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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


This study was carried out  on examine students' attitude and performance in teaching and learning of English language using three selected secondary schools in Ifako-Ijaye Local Government Area of Lagos State as case study. To carry out the study, 4 research questions were posed. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in Lagos state. The population of the study comprised of all the teachers and students of the three selected secondary schools in Ifako-Ijaye Local Government Area. The population size of the study was 135 participants. The instrument for data collection in this study was structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using frequency Table while the hypothesis were tested using student T-test and Chi-square Statistical tool SPSS v23. The major findings of the study disclosed that the characteristics of a teacher influence or affect the effective and performance of students In English language, as the students loses interest on the subject due to teachers unfriendliness, assimilates wrong concepts due to teacher’s incompetency and development of poor reading habit due to teacher’s inability to assess her students. Teachers' teaching method do influences the performance of students in the subject to certain high extent  and Over crowded class room, balancing diverse learning needs, lack of proper funding, poor availability for teaching facilities, lack of instructional materials, lack of parental support, limitations of disciplining students, handling tool many subjects and redundant teaching techniques are among many others the problems faced by teachers which affect the effective teaching of the subject.  The findings also disclosed that lack of attention from teachers, teachers incompetency, overpopulated class room, lack of availability and assess to learning materials and irrelevant % regular bullying by teachers are the major problems faced by students which affects their attitude and performance in learning of the subject. Furthermore the study reveled that there is a statistically significant difference in the characteristics of teachers in respect to teaching and learning of English Language in the various schools, there is a statistically significant difference in the academic performance of students in English language in the various schools, there is a statistically significant difference in the attitude of students towards the teaching and learning of English language in the various schools. And there is a statistically significant difference in the teachers teaching method used in teaching English language in the various schools.. Based on the findings the study recommends that qualified teachers of English language should always be employed to handle the course in all the senior secondary schools Lagos state. Adequate instructional media/materials should be provided by the Government to aid effective teaching and learning of the subject. And proper supervision by both the administrations of the senior secondary schools and Lagos state ministry of education should be conducted to make sure teachers of English language are actually doing what they are expected to do

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